Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Organizational Behavior at My Company Essay

To understand how the concept of organizational behavior can be applied and described through the work environment of My Company, I will first explore a general definition of what Organizational Behavior is and then relate how the individual components apply. According to Stephen Robbins, author of our Organizational Behavior textbook, â€Å"Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness†(9). The first component of this definition is to see the impact that the individuals have, followed by the impact of the groups, and then finally the impact of the structure. I will expand on each of these areas and relate them to the current practices within My Company. It is probable that the single most prevalent aspect of organizational behavior through the eyes of an employee would be the impact that they personally have on the company. What this implies, is that when I try to describe the impact individuals have to the company, it will be solely from my perspective as a non-managerial employee. Had my perspective been from that of an employee in a management-level position, it would most likely differ. From the experiences that I have had in the two and a half years that I have worked at My Company, it seems to me that individuals are encouraged to take the initiative to make their work as productive as possible. I have been part of many changes that have been initiated by non-management level employees to try and streamline and improve efficiencies within the company. This has led me to believe that one of the ‘in-use’ espoused values is that of empowering all levels of employees with the ability to make changes that will directly affect their particular areas. When evaluating the group component and how that relates to the My Company environment, I am going to make the assumption that a group is the equivalent of a department. These departmental segregations help to increase internal accountability and define what each group will be responsible for. Each group has its own independent structure and operates a little differently depending on the style of the individual manager. Many of these groups (departments) can be broken down into subgroups to further delegate  components of work. The outcome is that within each department or group there is a hierarchy where you will find different forms of leadership. Some of these subgroup leaders lead by being experts in their fields rather than having a title of being a manager. Within my group there is a distinct leader that I work for. I have found that if I am struggling with a project or if I cannot define the scope of a job that I am working on often times I can rely on help from the leader of my group to help achieve the desired results. If for some reason components (individuals) within my subgroup started to perform poorly, the outcome could have serious consequences to the productivity of our entire department. Conversely, if we were able to drastically improve performance metrics for our areas of responsibility, we would then be able to offset some work from other areas within the group. This interdependence of the subgroups has helped our group to have more control of the aspects that will impact how productively the company will continue to be going forward. Through the process of defining the groups within My Company, I have made reference to the internal group structure. Instead of rehashing this same information and tying it back to the structural component mentioned in the definition of organizational behavior, I am going to relate how my manager is able to structure her team to be as effective and productive as possible. Looking through the four essential management functions (Robbins 5) defined in our reading material, (planning, organizing, leading and controlling) I am able to see how my manager struggles to constantly apply these ideas in her day to day responsibilities. Our group organizes weekly meetings where we try to plan what tasks we would like to undertake in the near future. My manager is responsible for keeping these meetings in focus so that overall group objectives are met. Through controlling and delegating within these meetings, she has shown the ability to lead our group and utilize different strengths of individuals to maximize our effectiveness. Being able to take more of an observational role in this situation has helped me to understand the different idiosyncrasies that exist within our company and department. By identifying these ‘quirks’ I feel that I am able to better understand how many of the different internal components and people must work together in order to achieve desired results. This has helped me to recognize, at least  at the group level, how one can utilize many of the resources to maximize efficiencies within My Company. Works Cited Robbins, Stephen. Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Pearson, 2001.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Morality & differentiate Essay

Morality is defined as the ability to differentiate what is right and what is wrong. While the concept may seem simple enough, in reality however it is much more complex than that. The main question is how does one define right and wrong? If something is deemed as â€Å"right†for one person, does it automatically mean that it is the right one for another? This rather confusing view of morality is exemplified in the current saying that â€Å"one man’s terrorist is another man’s patriot. † Truly, morality is not that easy to define. Morality however it seems is more often than not defined by the society at large. A society is define as a group of individuals that have common interests as well as have their own culture. This concept of society and morality is highly apparent in the novel by Azar Nafisi title â€Å"Reading Lolita in Tehran, A Memoir in Books. † Nafisi is in Iranian scholar who emigrated in 1997 to the United States. The book mentioned in the title is the novel by Vladimir Nabokov which tells the story of a middle aged man who has sexual obsessions with a pre-teen girl, specifically a twelve-year old girl. Although Nafisi’s novel isn’t just about this particular book, Lolita is however one of those books considered as controversial in Iran. Novels like One Thousand and One Nights, Invitation to a Beheading, The Great Gatsby and Pride and Prejudice, are also included and their similarity to what is happening in Iran. It is Lolita however that gets a rather good exposure in the book. Nafisi’s novel however goes much deeper that what the title actually says. It gives a rather good view on what happens to the people when a society suddenly changes its view on things. Nafisi’s book gives a closer look to what happened in Iran when Ayatollah Khomeini gained power after the Islamic revolution. One of this was the decree requiring women of Iran to follow a dress code. Iranian women were now required to wear veils. An issue that Nafisis tackles a lot in her book. This simple decree caused a great deal of change in Iran. Prior to the decree, Iranian women did not wear veils. For most women, the decree was considered as a restriction to their freedom. Women who do not follow this rule are often detained. As a result, wearing the veil also restricted how people interacted with one another. One reason for this change in interaction is the differences in their reactions to the decree. While some stated that they â€Å"hated†it, others supported it saying it made them feel more â€Å"relaxed. † In general though, women who did not wear veils were considered immoral and even unchaste by the society at large. The decree requiring the veil also allowed for segregation and discrimination. The veil made women have a less status that the men. The veil did not only change the relationships that people had with each other but also on their individual roles and responsibilities. While women were still allowed to go to universities, these were still subjected to suppression by those in power. Segregation was not the only thing that was practiced in the universities but those who were found talking to the opposite sex were punished by the religious authorities. In fact, because the school where Nafisi taught was rather liberal, school officials were often asked if they believed the school was located in Switzerland, the word being connected with all things considered decadent and lax. The wearing of the veil also made women subservient to men who had to follow whatever was said to them. This change in culture actually continued despite Khomeini’s death. According to Nafisi, Khomeini’s real death would only come when women were not required to wear scarves in public anymore. By interjecting the novel Lolita in her book, Nafisi shows what the society truly is. A country doing its best to live in a fantasy world. In Lolita, the main protagonist Humbert Humbert, wishes to have the perfect Lolita. Implementing the decree on the wearing of the veil in reality reveals Khomeini’s dream of having a truly perfect Koranic society. Nafisi argues that much like story, where Humbert’s pursuit eventually destroys Lolita, Iran may likely experience the same. Living in a fantasy world though may not be that bad. Nafisi’s book tells us that â€Å"we all need to create a paradise to escape into. † ( 281) She however immediately corrects this and say that â€Å"fiction was not a panacea, but it did not offer us a critical way of appraising and grasping the world – not just our world but that other world that had become the object of our desires. † ( 282) Going back to Lolita and its relation with the Iranian society, Iran is much like Humbert who despite molesting the young Lolita, appears normal in other parts of his life. By implementing a standard on morality, the Iranian society was telling people that it was normal to do so in order to run the country better. And like Humbert, the Iranian society does not blame itself but others for what is wrong. Humbert wants Lolita to become what is perfect for him, no different from what the regime wants for its citizens. The Iranian regime blames the â€Å"dissidents† for what has happened to the country hence the imposition of the new rules or codes of morality. The new codes of morality while restricting activities of most of its citizens, have also made their lives more exciting. What was then ordinary activities where now being done as a secret mission. People who wanted to watch foreign films, eat ice cream, or even meet without wearing veils were doing so in secret. Thus while the citizens were openly showing their support for the rules, they were also secretly doing normal things that were now considered as taboo. The imposition of codes of morality this did not totally alter the responsibilities of the citizens and their roles but only on how they performed it. As mentioned earlier, the issue of morality is a very complex one. By imposing a standard on morality, the Iranian regime thus changed the way its citizens behaved. Women now found their freedom curtailed as they were required to wear veils and not allowed to talk to persons of the other sex. Activities that were regularly considered as norm where now being done in secret. While most people were still allowed to hold their jobs, they faced the constant scrutiny of the religious sector. While Iranian women and people around the world viewed these changes as something negative, the regime however defended its actions by stating that the change was needed. Thus even if the propagator, Khomeini, had died, the practice continued. Another effect that the rules had, specifically on Nafisi, was her having to quit the university and teaching a class and discussing books in secret. For Nafisi, the university was no longer a place where students can have honest discussion asking â€Å"how could one teach when the main concern of university officials was not the quality of one’s work but the color of one’s lips, the subversive potential of a single strand of hair? † (11) This activity leads to Nafisi bonding with her students since most of them feel that they have been made irrelevant by the new regime. The rule requiring women to wear veils becomes more oppressive when Nafisi reveals that when the students that decided to be with her came to the room, their removing the veils and scarves was an act that was not as simple as one imagines. According to Nafisi, â€Å"each one gained an outline and a shape, becoming her own inimitable self. † (5) Because of their continuous gathering, they begin to have hope. The students draw on the parallelism on what they are currently experiencing with what they are reading. Nafisi explicitly states in the book that â€Å"[h]ope for some means its loss for others; when the hopeless regain some hope, those in power – the ones who had taken it away – become afraid, more protective of their endangered interests, more repressive. † (276) What this tells us is that instead of just living their lives simply, getting jobs and having a family, Nafisi, her students, and maybe some other Iranians, now found a different purpose in life. They know that they have to be strong if they want their society to change. That even if hope is all that they have left, it is better than nothing. On reading the book, Heywood’s point that morality is actually concerned with not only the ethical questions but also how right and wrong are different is made clearer. The question that arises is how can an individual survive if that person has a different perception on himself or herself which is different from what society says? The answer is not simply to become political and institute change. Although it can be considered that the personal is political, at the core of the fight for political rights is the desire to protect ourselves, to prevent the political from intruding on our individual lives. (273) Imagination or fantasy is the one that bridges the political and the personal. The regimes â€Å"first task had been to blur the lines and boundaries between the personal and the political, thereby destroying them both. † (273) In summary, we need to keep in mind what a society is. A group of individuals with something in common and that includes moral principles. When a society has different principles on morality, like what happened in Iran, nothing good can come out of it. This is most true when a society that has experienced freedom before is suddenly restricted. Some groups will feel oppressed and will fight it. Those in power meanwhile, will do what they to prevent that from happening. The one good thing about Nafisi’s novel is that it does not in provide any political analysis on the situation in Iran. Rather it is about what people can do despite the tyranny around them. That students can learn when they apply and feel what they have read. Morality will always be a very tricky issue. The debate on the concept of right and wrong will not end overnight. If there is one thing that Nafisi’s novel teaches us, it is that setting a standard for morality is not an answer.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Demand and Price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Demand and Price - Essay Example The other consumers of corn have to resort to other alternatives that are relatively cheaper in the market. Biofuels are a product from corn and oilseeds; thus, the producers of biofuels have to substitute the input of the two raw materials for the optimization of profits. Thus, the producer faces the choices to incur a higher cost of production, reduce the output or increase the consumption of oilseed for production. The crop farmer benefits from higher returns and responds by increasing the production of corn (Dalton, 2009). The vertical axis shows the input of oilseed while the horizontal shows the corn input. The aim of the producing company is to maximize profit (Dalton, 2009). The point R we have the isocost line meeting with the isoquant. This combination of corn and oilseed will yield the company maximum output minimizing on cost which is the objective of the company. An increase in the demand of biofuels will mean that the company has to move to a higher output level. This w ill need an increase in the inputs, which are corn and oil seed. How developments in agricultural and conversion technology might influence the impacts identified in above The developments in agriculture aimed at production of more corn will lead to increase the supply of corn in the market. The increase in supply is likely to cause a decrease in the price of corn. However, with the advancing technologies of conversion coming into operation a wider range of materials will be usable for production of bio fuels (Bhamra et al., 2010). This will further, ease the burden of bio fuels production on corn. The price of corn would establish a new equilibrium with the demand that now will be. DI indicates the demand of corn. Pe and Qe show the equilibrium price and quantity. The production of biofuel using corn as a raw material causes an increase in the demand of corn, thus the demand curve shift shown by the arrows (Dalton, 2009). Consider the result below. The demand for more biofuels stim ulates a higher demand for corn (Gupta & Ayhan, 2010). The demand curve shifts to D2 and a new equilibrium at the point J. The effects of increased competition between participants in the market on the impacts identified above. The competition will result to a higher demand of corn. The crop farmers will expand production in order to feed the new market. This will mean changes in the farming practices and patterns. These changes necessitate farmers to use irrigation. The use of irrigation will cause a strain on water resources available. There will be a need to expand to potion of land used in corn cultivation yet limited space provides a challenge. The crop farmers will start cultivating of marginal lands, which are highly erodible (Gupta & Ayhan, 2010). The farmers will intensify the use of chemical inputs to increase crop yield. This will negatively affect the soil. This is because the increased use of fertilizers will lead to contamination of runoff and nutrient leaching. Howeve r, the level of damage will depend on management practices employed by farmers. Increase the level of cultivation may lead to high levels of erosion. This will further, affect the quality of water in the region. These damages will be presenting the problems of environment sustainability (Gupta & Ayhan, 2010). Cultivation of marginal lands and expansion of land under crop production is a threat to wildlife resources. The cultivation leads to destruction and clearing of vegetation,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gran Torino and Race Relations and Ethics Essay

Gran Torino and Race Relations and Ethics - Essay Example The movie has things to teach about ethics to people in the world. Racism is still very much an issue in today’s world(Bonilla, 2010), and Walt was as racism as anybody could be. He called the next door neighbors â€Å"gooks,† even after he came to love them and protect them. He called his barber a â€Å"Dago† and â€Å"Italian Prick.† It was obvious that he was a man who had a lot of bad feelings in his heart about people who are of different races. He was, perhaps, representative of many people who see people of different races as being somehow â€Å"other.† These people from Laos, who live next door, were people that Walt evidently felt were beneath him from the beginning of the film. However, Walt changed throughout the course of the film, and, soon, he was taking Thao and Sue under his wing. Walt went out of his way to bond with young Thao, showing him the ropes of carpentry, once he figured out that Thao had an interest in carpentry and tools, and making sure that Thao got to meet the barber and know how to converse with other men in a way that would be acceptable in America. When Sue was raped by some men who were relatives of Thao and Sue, Walt became protective of her and went to confront the men. In fact, all through the film, Walt comes to the aid and protection of these neighbors. It was feasible that Walt could have lived his life in an insular way, and stayed out of the way of the gang members who were harassing his next door neighbors.... What happens to our brother or our sister is what happens to us, and we have to make sure that we do everything that we can to help those who are oppressed. Walt learned this lesson, even though he personally had feelings for the Hmong that were not so flattering. There was some possible indication that Walt was also redeeming himself for things that happened during the Korean War – he implied that he killed some Korean men even though he wasn’t under orders to do so. So, this might have also given him his sense of ethics as well. My own personal feelings about what happened during the movie was somewhat mixed. While I understood the need for Walt to do what he did in the movie, it was also difficult to see. Yes, the gang members were harassing the family of Sue and Thao, and, yes, the black men were harassing Sue and there was the distinct possibility that they were going to rape her. So, in a sense, what Walt ended up doing at the end of the movie was extremely justif ied. In fact, he didn’t really do anything at all, except stand outside the house of the gang members and pretend that he had some kind of weapon on him. Considering that he had shown the gang members earlier that he had access to these types of weapons, it was reasonable for the gang members to assume that this was still the case, and that he, in fact, was packing heat when he went to visit the boys. Another point is probably the most important point to make about the movie – the movie portrays a society that is color blind, in the end. The surface of the people in the movie was that everybody is segregated and that Walt was somebody who didn’t want anything to do with

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Winter Olimpic Games Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Winter Olimpic Games - Research Paper Example As the paper declares people focused on snowboarding and bob-sleigh and introduced in the United States during the time when people were eager to find some new winter activities. The two types of sports have many styles. For instance, snowboarding include half-pipe, freestyle, big air, alpine, and slope style. On the other hand, Bobsleigh includes three disciplines; two-man, four-man, and women’s doubles. The equipment of Bobsleigh and snowboarding are quite essential for the athletes in the Olympic competitions. The construction of the bob-sled and snowboard is highly complex. This research paper aims to explain the engineering and construction of both the snowboard and Bobsled. This discussion explores that snowboarding has numerous styles, which include half-pipe, freestyle, big air, alpine, and slope style. The half-pipe style was among the competitions in this year’s Sochi Olympic Winter sports. Shawn White has finished in the fourth position during this year’s winter Olympics in his Half pipe Snowboarding. In the half-pipe snowboarding competition, athletes use a special half pipe-shaped snowboard. Using the speed they gain on the slopes, the athletes come out of the rim on the other side of the pipe and perform acrobatic aerial tricks. The athletes perform the snowboarding activities on from the top of a mountain where they should ski downwards. The construction of the snowboard track is much more complex since the engineers must ensure that it is highly sloppy for the provision of kinetic transition energy from potential energy.

Building Surveyor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Building Surveyor - Essay Example If we want to know the about the importance of the Building Surveying then first we will have to know about the Building Surveying. Building Surveying is the geometric measurement of the building in plan, section and elevation. Cutting edge equipments are used to perform a wide variety of measurement surveys. Robotic laser instruments are used to electronically observation and digitally recording of the surveys. Distances are electronically measured with light beams. Position is fixed with the help of a technology known as satellite positioning technology (GPS). Construction machines can be automatically guided by satellites and laser beams. We use Laser scanners for obtaining 'clouds' of points to create digital 3-D models of our environment for planning and development purposes. Use of the Computer-aided tacheometry and photogrammetry increases day by day for surveying building geometry. Manual methods such as tape, measuring-stick or laser-distance meter are also used for buildings.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Recruiting and Training of Correction Officers Term Paper

Recruiting and Training of Correction Officers - Term Paper Example Introduction The justification for occupational or professional training is to pass on accrued experience, knowledge, and facts, the most sophisticated practices, as well as objective, theory, principle, or ethics of practice. Yet, the institution of correction is only starting to familiarize itself to the difficulties of recruiting and training capable correctional officers. There is an emerging understanding among radical superintendents that inadequately recruited, untrained staff is not merely incompetent but is disadvantageous as well. Untrained staff is rather doubtful to be the bearer of progressive principles and a positive ethos for correctional work. Corrections today are becoming increasingly intricate. Besides the problems created by lawbreakers day by day, correctional superintendents today should confront the issues of correctional personnel who usually feel a kind of prerogative and have a broad range of union supporters, lawyers, and laws available to them to help the m resolve problematic issues. Almost all correction superintendents aspire to make the workplace a motivating, stable, secure, and safe environment where in personnel could face the job’s challenges with optimism and enthusiasm. ... The law grants employers much leeway in the recruitment or hiring process when performed properly. Recruiting may involve three methods that will detect possible problem personnel: ‘background checks, physical agility tests, and probationary employment periods.’ Correctional managers could oblige potential officers to agree to a provision involving complete disclosure of their entire personal backgrounds and verification of those backgrounds or histories. This normally will identify any major issues with illegal conduct and even adverse social activities. Employers could oblige potential personnel to undergo a physical agility test; this procedure will help identify those with serious pre-existing deficiencies that may be drawn upon to file for compensation or disability claims. The third method, the probationary employment period, is usually performed ineffectively. The law permits superintendents to monitor the performance and behavior of the personnel a lot more thoro ughly throughout the probationary period, and to discard employment if behavior and performance is unsatisfactory. Even though most previous employers remain cautious about giving unfavorable references for incompetent personnel, drawing on these three recruitment methods will lessen the problems of the correctional human resources department. In order to fill important personnel positions in corrections, a large number of recruitment or hiring methods are applied by the reporting system. The key procedure stated is job fairs. Other techniques identified were salaries for valid rural sites; on-site recruitment; placement or internship prospects; public notices; presenting at local conventions or meetings; incentives for effective employee recommendations;

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Geoengineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Geoengineering - Essay Example On the other hand, it can be characterized more specifically as inherent incorporated engineering schemes to improve climate. The name geo-engineering is distinctive with ecological harm and unplanned existence environment alteration; that are outcomes of mechanized human world, instead of being an anticipated result. The worldwide withdrawal of hydro-carbons and the chains of it from the under-surface via incorporated geological discipline and engineering expertise have been named as petroleum or gasoline geo-engineering. The ground of geo engineering is at present passing through a course of interest and discussion, as it has at the moment turned out to be generally established that global warming is jointly truthful and perilous. A level of necessity, in labors to investigate and execute possible solution, is founded on the momentous disappointment in managing emissions, and the likelihood that extreme spots in the global environment organization are just around the corner. In spe cific concern, the Arctic contraction is resulting in speeding up of warming. Speedy attempts with geo-engineering may be crucial. Other sensitive spots might be evaded by tumbling the rage of global warming so as to achieve constructive destiny and stop the consequential climatic transformation. 1. Approaches for Geo Engineering Expected approaches for geo engineering can be enumerated as: solar radiation organization, Greenhouse gas treatment, Arctic geo-engineering, Heat carrying. Solar radiation organization schemes meant for lessening the quantity of sunbeams striking the globe and thus neutralize global warming. Through this approach of geo engineering; greenhouse gas amount in the ambiance do not diminish, and therefore this technique does not tackle troubles for example marine acidification originated by these gases. The occurrence of global diffusion as a by-product of plant or animal fuel utilization is extensively recognized, and is not basically a geo-engineering practic e. Also it is happening by nature as an outcome of volcanoes and chief forest fire spread. On the other hand its purposeful exploitation is an instrument of the geo-engineering. Solar radiation organization schemes regularly have the improvement of condition. While greenhouse gas treatment presents an ample prospective solution to climate amendment, it does not provide immediate consequences; for the same reason, solar radiation organization is mandatory. Practices that are part of this group comprise of: stratospheric sulfur aerosols, Ocean foams, Cool roof, Cloud reflectivity development, increase cloud reflectivity, Space sunshade and Cloud seeding of cirrus clouds. Cool roof is made by means of whitish-colored roofing and concrete paving materials, Cloud reflectivity development can be acquired by means of fine and excellent sea water spray to whiten clouds and boost cloud reflectivity. Space sunshade is done by hindering solar emission with space oriented reflectors or other ar rangements. Cloud seeding of cirrus clouds is achieved most likely by utilizing airliners. Greenhouse gas treatment schemes appeal to eradicate greenhouse gases from the environment, and thus deal with the core foundation of global warming. These schemes either openly eliminate greenhouse gases, or otherwise meant to manipulate usual progressions to eliminate greenhouse gases obliquely. These schemes present a wide-ranging resolution to the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Working capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Working capital - Essay Example Accounts receivable analysis is very important for cash is the lifeblood of the company. Accounts receivable must be converted to cash as soon as possible. This is where the AVERAGE COLLECTION PERIOD financial management tool is used regularly. The longer the average collection period, the lesser the liquidity ratio will be. The average collection period is dependent on the accounts receivable customers' ability to pay. To go deeper into the analysis, Ability to pay is dependent on the accounts receivable clients' liquidity. A client that has just lost his or her job will have difficulty to pay your accounts receivable. A customer that has just run away because such customer has not intention of paying you when you will both meet will also affect the average collection period. When the average collection period is decreased, then the availability of the cash will increase liquidity. The increase in liquidity will result to a better financial statement. A better financial statement picture will increase the company's probability for the bank's approval of its long-term loan. It also follows that sales are generated through the use of two methods. Cash sales are the first method of sales generation. Cash is received in exchange for goods that are sold to the company's customers.The second method (credit or account sales) will generate twice or even thrice the total amount of cash sales that the business produces. Are the sales on account Customers are allowed to take home the products they want to buy and the cash payment will be received either a few days or a few months or even a year or more from the customers' actual taking possession of the products sold. It is also common knowledge, from personal experiences since our childhood transactions that not all things borrowed will be returned.Therefore, since some of the objects like books, pencils, bikes, or car, cash and others will be borrowed, we have accept the fact that there is a fine line between borrowers where companies are at risk of not being paid and the borrowers who are of good standing bec ause they pay their monthly dues on time. One of the criteria that the banks and other business institutions approve the sale to clients ON CREDIT is to determine, based on the CREDIT customers' work related data, that there is a probability that the customers will pay their dues on time.Allowance for Doubtful accounts is the accounting title for the estimated amount of accounts receivables from customers, subsidiary companies, branches and others that has a high probability of not being paid. The average collection period is the average length of time that the accounts receivables will not be paid by accounts receivable customers. It is simply the quotient when the total outstand accounts receivable is divided by the average daily sales. Another term for this is the collection ratio. The main headache of the finance director of Raphael limited is that the company had

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Air Pollution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Air Pollution - Research Paper Example Some developed countries have taken measures against the air pollution by making laws and policies and introducing green technologies. However, the rapid increase in industrialization has minimized the effect of these measures and millions of people are at risk by inhaling air containing harmful substances. Air pollution is a major problem in big industrial urban areas as compared to rural areas. Industrial, Vehicle and other types of smoke, CFCs and the greenhouse gasses are mixing up into the air that we inhale and the toxic substances in them act like slow poisons within our bodies (Gujrar, Molina and Ojha 1-14; Agarwal 1-6). We are focusing on the air pollution in general in first part of the paper and then specifically in United States. The top three greenest states and why are they called the green states will be discussed. Also the top three most polluted states and what are they doing to overcome the high level of pollutants in air will be discussed finally. Air pollution Acc ording to World Health Organization air pollution is â€Å"the contamination of the ecological system by any toxic chemical, physical or biological agent that alters the natural environment† (World Health Organization). ... Most common types of air pollutants are car emissions, chemical wastage from factories, dust, pollen, and mold spores. Pollutants can be classified into types: Primary pollutants and secondary pollutants. Primary Pollutants – are emissions discharged directly from a source. For example, volcanic eruptions or factory discharges (Gray). Secondary Pollutants- are formed as a consequence of reactions between primary pollutants and other substances found in the atmosphere for example Ozone that makes up smog (Gray). One of the most distinguishable characteristics of air pollutants is their transboundary nature that is they can travel to far and wide places away from their origins. The six major pollutants described by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are briefly discussed below (EPA; Gray): AIR POLLUTION IN UNITED STATES A study reports that more than 500,000 Americans die annually due to cardiopulmonary diseases caused by air pollution. In a recent economic study in Los Angel es Basin and San Joaquin valley of southern California it is shown that more than 3800 people face premature deaths annually (approx. 14 years earlier) because of the illegal amount of pollutants in the air. In 1948, Donora, Pennsylvania 20 died and more than 7000 were injured due to the worst ever smog disaster reported in U.S history (Peterman). The 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA) requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for the conventional air toxics such as: Ozone, Particulate matter, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur dioxide and Lead. Out of which Ozone and Particulates are the biggest and primary threats. The act also enables EPA to restrict the emissions from chemical plants, utilities and steel mills. Through this act, the

Monday, July 22, 2019

I Love School Essay Example for Free

I Love School Essay Doors and windows -It is suggested to use wooden door and window frames instead of concrete or steel. Framing Timber framing -naturally sound insulated -strong structure -construction times are less Recycled steel framing -It’s easy to use when contractors are building your house -less framing material compared to wood but will still be the same structure if you used wood. -Walls, roof and ceilings will not change due to the weather changes -they do not rot, absorb moisture or create mould -resistant against termites Roofing Cool roofing -once the product is painted onto your roof the sun is reflected away. it can be painted on wood, concrete, plaster, metal and glass. -when it’s hot it is preferred that you wear white instead of black, cool roofing is where it reflects the sun and stays cooler because it’s a white colour -cost more than normal roofing but once it starts to work it lowers your bill. -having the roof that you probably have on your house now can reach temperatures of over 70 degrees storing more heat into your house, cool roofing’s temperature only goes to 20-35 degrees at most without insulation leaving your house cooler and saving you from paying heavy cooling bills. Authentic roof made from recycled materials -been said that it’s virtually unbreakable -they are extremely light weight -has UV protection which stops it from fading -contains no toxin materials Roof tiles -colour will not fade, rust or corrode -are a natural thermal insulator. In winter they keep the cold air out and the heat in. In summer they keep the heat out and cold in -natural sound insulator -they are heat resistance; therefore they provide protection against bush fires -made with naturally occurring clay which can be recycled into new clay tiles and bricks Insulation Spray foam insulation -75% noise reduction reduces mould and condensation growth -saves on electricity bills Structural insulation panels -50% more energy efficient -40% less construction time -the core of the panels is made of Expanded Polystyrene which is made from using a low-environmental process which means it does not contain any major carbons. The Oriented Strand Board which is an engineered wood product is made from harvesting a fast growing crop forest which makes the materials renewable and sustainable. -fire resistant -can be used for floors, foundations and basements -bricks and stone can be installed on the panels SIP’s are also used as walls although you can put stone, or brick over the top of it. There is no need for painting as SIP’s come in a range of colour. recycled denim -made from old jeans that have been cleaned, stripped and covered in boric acid which is mould, fire and insect resistant -doesn’t contain any throat or skin irritations -creates a greater sound barrier -its 100% recyclable -requires small amount of energy to manufacture -doesn’t itch and easy to handle -when the insulation gets wet its manufactured to breathe and release the moisture. Also contains active mould inhibitors recycled paper 100% recyclable -takes 10 times less energy to produce than half of the other insulation -non-corrosive -doesn’t support mould or fungus growth -it reduces overheating and overcooling also good for sound insulation Heating/cooling Solar smart breeze -collects solar energy from under a tile or timber roof and cools the house in summer and heats it in winter Spilt system -energy efficient when compared to portable and window air conditioners Hyd ronic heating -uses radiant warmth. Evaporative cooling -uses natural air Smartbreeze -reduces 40% greenhouse gases -saves energy and electricity bills can also work at night providing nocturnal cooling how it works with a metal roof heating. During winter and cold days there can be a build-up of warm heated air between the roof, sheets and foils. The air is dragged to the smartbreeze unit and the fan energised by the solar panel that’s placed on your roof force the warm air through ceiling vents and into your living spaces creating a warmer environment. Cooling during the day during hot weather hot air builds up into your roof. The solar energised fans force the now cold air into your living space which then reduces the temperature. Roof ventilation Avoiding a build up of moisture in winter and to reduce an excessive heat build up in the summer -Some benefits are – lowing energy bills, greater comfort in home, ensure the health of your family -Removes dust which enters through tiny gaps of the house structure increasing your health. Gardening fake grass Regal grass -100% recycled -Contains no harmful toxins or heavy metals -no infill like sand is needed for the insulation -not spiky like real grass, soft to touch and walk on -doesn’t need to be mowed, therefore low maintenance is needed. There is no need to sweep away the excess grass that’s left over. Termiturf -no watering, mowing or fertilizing -its low maintenance -doesn’t lose colour or fade real grass -Needs to be watered at least once a week -Needs to be mowed, the petrol from the lawn mower pollutes the air -Needs to be fertilized, using fertilizer is bad because the chemicals that are in it get washed into either, rivers, oceans and lakes. That causes algae to grow and creatures that live in the water or drink the water. grey water -grey water is collected from you shower, bath or washing machine, it is then diverted into a pump called the waste water system, once the water flows hrough the pump it is then diverted into your garden. -it can save up to 350-700L per day -less energy and chemical use -lower water bills Drip irrigation -weed growth is reduces because between plants the areas aren’t irrigated -constant moisture which improves growth in plants -you don’t need to move them around like a sprinkler, they can stay there permenately -decreased fe rtilizer cost -60% more efficiency over sprinkler systems Flooring Cork flooring -made from trees. The trees are not cut down, they are made from the bark which grows back every 3 years -cork flooring contains a low or no VOC (volatile organic compound).

Aims and Objectives Essay Example for Free

Aims and Objectives Essay Hypothesis: Shopping centres in the Central Business District area are better in the sense that they provide a higher level of quality and variety of goods than the shopping centres in the residential areas. Aims and objectives: * Our general objective is to compare and contrast two shopping centres in the Central Business District (CDB) against another two shopping centres in the residential areas. We are also keen to investigate the various factors that influence the people’s decision to patronise the particular shopping centres. For example, the shopping malls in the CDB areas might be a better place to shop in terms of shopping quality and variety but on the other hand, the shopping malls in the residential areas might appeal to the public better in terms of close proximity to their homes and convenience. Our studies will intend to find out the link that exists between the shopping centres of our choice, and uncover a pattern that we will be going in further detail in our results and findings according to public opinion through means like surveys and in addition, our own feelings on the contributing factors or reasons. Our main focus would be the quality of shopping provided by the shopping mall. This includes the services, accessibility and the facilities provided that improves the shopping experience for the patrons. We will be taking surveys of the patrons there to find out their feelings about the shopping mall and its quality. We would also go there and do general analysis of the mall ourselves. This is to give us a base of comparison between our ideas of good quality compared to the peoples’ idea of good quality observed in a shopping mall.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Modelling of Moisture Adsorption for Sugar Palm

Modelling of Moisture Adsorption for Sugar Palm Modelling of Moisture Adsorption for Sugar Palm (Arenga pinnata) Starch Film Tri Hadi Jatmiko a) , Crescentiana D. Poeloengasih, Dwi Joko Prasetyo and Hernawan Research Unit for Natural Product Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract. Sorption characteristic of food products is important for design, optimization, storage and modelling. Sugar palm starch film with two different plasticizers (sorbitol and glycerol) with varied concentration studied for its adsorption isotherm characteristic. The data of adsorption isotherm fitted with GAB, Oswin, Smith and Peleg models. All models describe the experiment data well, but Peleg model is better than the other models on both sugar palm starch film plasticized with sorbitol and glycerol. Moisture sorption of sugar palm starch increased linearly with plasticizer concentration. A new model by taking account of plasticizer concentration describes the experiment data well with an average of coefficients of determination (R2) 0.9913 and 0.9939 for film plasticized with glycerol and sorbitol respectively. Keywords: Sugar palm starch; glycerol; sorbitol; model; moisture sorption isotherm Utilization of biopolymers for the film has attracted the interest of researchers to explore starch as a material for the film. Starch has attracted great attention because it is easily obtained, widely available, cheap, eco-friendly, renewable and film-forming properties [1,2]. The studies that have been conducted shows that the sugar palm starch has the potential to be used as raw material for the film [1,3-6]. The use of pure starch will produce the fragile film, which is usually overcome by the addition of plasticizers. The addition of plasticizer on the film made of starch will affect the characteristics of the film, one that has changed is the characteristic of moisture absorption of the film. Moisture sorption isotherm is the relationship between the amount of water content of foodstuffs with humidity at a constant temperature and displayed in graphical form [7]. Moisture sorption isotherm models are useful for predicting water sorption characteristics of foods, even though they furnish little insight into the interaction of water and food. Even though a number of mathematical models exist to explain moisture sorption isotherms of foods substances, none equation offers accurate outcome for the period of the entire variety of water activities, or for all types of foods material, it is because of water associated with a matrix of food with different mechanisms on different humidity [7]. Only a few studies have reported the content of the plasticizer into account in the determination of moisture sorption isotherm of a starch film. Coupland (2000) reported the effect of glycerol on the moisture sorption behavior of whey protein isolate film, that consider the content of plasticizer in moister sorption of the film [8]. Jatmiko (2016) reported that four parameter Peleg model could be used to give a good description of moisture sorption of sugar palm starch based film. In this study, we report sorption isotherms for sugar palm starch based films affected by plasticizer. Moisture sorption isotherm of sugar palm starch film from Jatmiko (2016) was used for this study. The data fitted with the following model: Oswin Oswin equation is one of the best model for describing the moisture sorption of starchy food and gave a good fit for vegetables and meat [7]. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), aw is water activity, A and B are constant. Smith Smith has developed a water sorption isotherm equation based on the theory that water adsorbed on a dry surface composed of two fractions. The first fraction has a heat of condensation is higher than normal and the second fraction consisting of multilayers of water molecules, which can prevent the evaporation of the initial layer [9]. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), A is the quantity of water in the first sorbed fraction, and B is the quantity of water in the multilayer moisture fraction, aw is water activity. GAB GAB equation is one of the most widely used equations in predicting water sorption isotherms [7]. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), M0 is the monolayer moisture content; C and K are constants. Peleg Four parameters model proposed by Peleg [10] can be used for both sigmoid and non-sigmoid isotherm and some studies report that Peleg model better than GAB model. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), K1, K2, n1 and n2 are constants. Moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film with sorbitol and glycerol shows sigmoidal shape as shown in Fig. 1. According to the classification of Al-Muhtaseb et. al [7] the moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film is type III. FIGURE 1. Moisture Sorption isotherm of sugar palm starch film plasticized with sorbitol (A) and glycerol (B) The data of moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film with glycerol and sorbitol plasticizer were fitted with models from previous studies. Generally, all models describe moisture sorption isotherm of sugar palm starch film plasticized with glycerol and sorbitol well. The model constants from previous studies present in Table 1 and Table 2. TABLE 1. Model constants for sugar palm starch film with glycerol Model constants Glycerol 30% 35% 40% 45% Oswin A 0.236 0.2775 0.3229 0.3855 B 0.3615 0.3494 0.3465 0.3222 R2 0.9976 0.9964 0.9936 0.9941 Smith A 0.086 0.1128 0.1365 0.1872 B 0.2047 0.2266 0.2588 0.2751 R2 0.9805 0.9789 0.9739 0.9797 GAB M0 0.116423 0.137712 0.159887 0.195346 C 978656.7 968661.7 998659.9 943564.8 K 0.884887 0.877535 0.876436 0.858216 R2 0.9859 0.9808 0.9763 0.9737 Peleg K1 0.3715 0.4346 0.4799 0.5378 K2 0.6842 0.7666 0.9006 0.933 n1 0.5756 0.5558 0.4751 0.4117 n2 12.39 13.04 12.49 11.28 R2 0.9998 0.9996 0.9998 0.9995 TABLE 2. Model constants for sugar palm starch film with sorbitol Model constants Sorbitol 35% 40% 45% Oswin A 0.09689 0.0946 0.1015 B 0.6194 0.6633 0.6632 R2 0.9984 0.998 0.9982 Smith A -0.09125 -0.1231 -0.1323 B 0.2449 0.2819 0.3026 R2 0.9345 0.9236 0.9242 GAB M0 0.04948 0.04986 0.05356 C 978656.7 968661.7 998659.9 K 0.969 0.977 0.976 R2 0.999 0.9992 0.9994 Peleg K1 1.001 1.201 1.276 K2 0.2379 0.2483 0.2547 n1 16.45 17.16 16.39 n2 1.058 1.102 1.042 R2 0.9991 0.9988 0.9992 GAB equation shows that the higher the concentration of plasticizer, the amount of water in the monolayer will be even greater. According to Mali [11], this happens because the more content of the plasticizer, the more active sites that bind water. The moisture content on a monolayer of sugar palm starch film plasticized with sorbitol was lower than sugar palm starch film plasticized with glycerol. Sorbitol structural molecule similar to glucose that cause strong interaction between sorbitol and polymer chain, as a result, there is a lower possibility for sorbitol to interact with water [12]. Meanwhile, glycerol could withstand water in their matrix because the hydroxyl group in glycerol had a strong affinity with water [13]. All of the above models can describe the moisture sorption isotherms by the film of sugar palm starch well, but none of them describe the effect of the concentration of plasticizer in moisture sorption isotherms by sugar palm starch film. So we proposed a new model that consider the concentration of plasticizer on moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film plasticized with glycerol and sorbitol. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), a, b, c, d constant and x is plasticizer concentration. TABLE 3. Constants of new model for sugar palm starch film Plasticizer Concentration Model constants R2 a b c d Sorbitol 35% 1.01174 10.77467 0.628699 1.700724 0.9934 40% 1.193598 11.48727 0.601008 1.870756 0.9939 45% 1.279081 11.42559 0.57095 2.002083 0.9948 Glycerol 30 0.760819 7.644822 1.808462 1.724646 0.9908 35% 0.845172 7.780921 1.784906 1.79808 0.9897 40% 0.977611 8.132343 1.755913 1.856643 0.9918 45% 1.024442 7.656481 1.717197 1.9017 0.9931 Table 3. shows the model constants and coefficient of determination that describe the moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film plasticized with sorbitol and glycerol well. The moisture sorption isotherm of sugar palm starch film increase linearly with plasticizer concentration. A new model that consider the plasticizer content show the sorption isotherm sugar palm starch film well. The authors grateful to Indonesian Institute of Sciences for providing financial assistance through Riset Unggulan 2016 during this investigation. We also extent our appreciation to Deputy of Engineering Science, Indonesian Institute of Sciences for his encouragement and support during this work . C. D.Poeloengasih, Y. Pranoto, S. N. Hayati, Hernawan, V.T. Rosyida, D.J. Prasetyo, et al., A physicochemical study of sugar palm (Arenga Pinnata) starch films plasticized by glycerol and sorbitol, AIP Conference Proceedings 1711   (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2016),   p. 80003. T. H. Jatmiko, C. D Poeloengasih, D. J. Prasetyo, V.T. Rosyida, Effect of plasticizer on moisture sorption isotherm of sugar palm (Arenga Pinnata) starch film, AIP Conference Proceedings 1711, (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2016), p. 80004. W. Apriyana, C. D. Poeloengasih, Hernawan, S. N. Hayati, Y. Pranoto. Mechanical and microstructural properties of sugar palm (Arenga pinnata Merr.) starch film: Effect of aging. AIP Conference Proceedings 1755. (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2016), p. 150003. M. L. Sanyang, S. M. Sapuan, M. Jawaid, M.R. Ishak, J. Sahari. Effect of glycerol and sorbitol plasticizers on physical and thermal properties of sugar palm starch based films in Recent Advances in Environment, Ecosystems and Development, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Environment, Ecosystems and Development (EED 15), edited by Aida Bulucea (WSEAS Press, 2015), p. 157-162. M. Sanyang, S. Sapuan, M. Jawaid , M. Ishak, J. Sahari, Polymers 7(6), 1106-24 (2015) M. R. Ishak, S. M. Sapuan, Z. Leman, M. Z. Rahman, U. M. K. Anwar, J. P. Siregar, Carbohydr Polym. 91(2), 699-710 (2013) H . Al-Muhtaseb, W. McMinn,   M, Magee TR,   Food Bioprod Process 80(2), 118-28. (2002) J.N. Coupland, N. B. Shaw, F. J. Monahan, Dolores ORiordan E, M . OSullivan, J Food Eng. 43(1), 25-30 (2000) Ricardo D. ANDRADE P. Roberto LEMUS M. CEPC, Vitae, Rev La Fac Quà ­mica Farm. 18(3), 325-334 (2011) M Peleg, J Food Process Eng; 16(1):21-37. (1993) S. Mali, M. V. E. Grossmann, M. A. Garcà ­a, M. N. Martino, N. E. Zaritzky, J Food Eng. 75(4), 453-460 (2006) M. Cerqueira, B. W. S. Souza, Teixeira J, A. Vicente, Food Hydrocoll. 27(1), 175-184 (2012) S. Mali , L. S. Sakanaka, F. Yamashita, M. V. E Grossmann, Carbohydr Polym. 60(3), 283-289 (2005)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Disasters in Space Flight :: Essays Papers

Disasters in Space Flight On January 27, 1967, the three astronauts of the Apollo 4, were doing a test countdown on the launch pad. Gus Grissom was in charge. His crew were Edward H. White, the first American to walk in space, and Roger B. Chaffee, a naval officer going up for the first time. 182 feet below, R.C.A technician Gary Propst was seated in front of a bank of television monitors, listening to the crew radio channel and watching various televisions for important activity. Inside the Apollo 4 there was a metal door with a sharp edge. Each time the door was open and shut, it scraped against an environmental control unit wire. The repeated abrasion had exposed two tiny sections of wire. A spark alone would not cause a fire, but just below the cuts in the cable was a length of aluminum tubing, which took a ninety-degree turn. There were hundreds of these turns in the whole capsule. The aluminum tubing carried a glycol cooling fluid, which is not flammable, but when exposed to air it turns to flammable fumes. The capsule was filled with pure oxygen in an effort to allow the astronauts to work more efficiently. It also turns normally not so flammable items to highly flammable items. Raschel netting that was highly flammable in the pure oxygen environment was near the exposed section of the wires. At 6:31:04 p.m. the Raschel netting burst into an open flame. A second after the netting burst into flames, the first message came over the crew's radio channel: "Fire," Grissom said. Two Seconds later, Chaffee said clearly, "We've got a fire in the cockpit." His tone was businesslike (Murray 191). There was no camera in the cabin, but a remote control camera, if zoomed in on the porthole could provide a partial, shadowy view of the interior of the space craft. There was a lot of motion, Propst explained, as White seemed to fumble with something and then quickly pull his arms back, then reach out again. Another pair of arms came into view from the left, Grissom's, as the flames spread from the far left-hand corner of the spacecraft toward the porthole (Murray 192). The crew struggled for about 30 seconds after their suits failed, and then died of asphyxiation, not the heat. To get out of the capsule astronauts had to remove three separate hatches, atleast 90 seconds was required to open all three hatches. Disasters in Space Flight :: Essays Papers Disasters in Space Flight On January 27, 1967, the three astronauts of the Apollo 4, were doing a test countdown on the launch pad. Gus Grissom was in charge. His crew were Edward H. White, the first American to walk in space, and Roger B. Chaffee, a naval officer going up for the first time. 182 feet below, R.C.A technician Gary Propst was seated in front of a bank of television monitors, listening to the crew radio channel and watching various televisions for important activity. Inside the Apollo 4 there was a metal door with a sharp edge. Each time the door was open and shut, it scraped against an environmental control unit wire. The repeated abrasion had exposed two tiny sections of wire. A spark alone would not cause a fire, but just below the cuts in the cable was a length of aluminum tubing, which took a ninety-degree turn. There were hundreds of these turns in the whole capsule. The aluminum tubing carried a glycol cooling fluid, which is not flammable, but when exposed to air it turns to flammable fumes. The capsule was filled with pure oxygen in an effort to allow the astronauts to work more efficiently. It also turns normally not so flammable items to highly flammable items. Raschel netting that was highly flammable in the pure oxygen environment was near the exposed section of the wires. At 6:31:04 p.m. the Raschel netting burst into an open flame. A second after the netting burst into flames, the first message came over the crew's radio channel: "Fire," Grissom said. Two Seconds later, Chaffee said clearly, "We've got a fire in the cockpit." His tone was businesslike (Murray 191). There was no camera in the cabin, but a remote control camera, if zoomed in on the porthole could provide a partial, shadowy view of the interior of the space craft. There was a lot of motion, Propst explained, as White seemed to fumble with something and then quickly pull his arms back, then reach out again. Another pair of arms came into view from the left, Grissom's, as the flames spread from the far left-hand corner of the spacecraft toward the porthole (Murray 192). The crew struggled for about 30 seconds after their suits failed, and then died of asphyxiation, not the heat. To get out of the capsule astronauts had to remove three separate hatches, atleast 90 seconds was required to open all three hatches.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Kotter Model Essays -- Narrative, Change, Organization

Narrative Essay The second semester of the Sergeants Major course covers a lot of material on Organizations, Leaders, Power, Influence, Stress, Ethics, Vision, Culture and Climate. The knowledge gained from block (s) L103, L105, L107 and L109 are important to future Operations Sergeants Major because; we will be able to assist the commander through the process of changing the climate and culture and enabling the unit to become stronger as a team. Kotter Model The Kotter Model comes from the L103 block it is an eight stage model that helps avoid mutual issues that plague the smallest change attempts in an organization. Organizations leaders will lead their organizations through this process in order to have a positive and long lasting effect. A leader cannot prematurely hurdle, bounce or make a serious mistake inside a step by doing any of those would have a destructive effect on a successful accomplishment of change. The stages of the Kotter Model are: (1) establishing a sense of urgency (2) creating the guiding coalition (3) developing a vision and strategy (4) communicating the change vision (5) empowering a broad base of people to take action (6) generating short-term wins (7) consolidating gains and producing even more change (8) institutionalizing new approaches in the culture. This Model guides leaders through the process of attempting to change the climate and culture of an organization; I will explain each stage briefly. In stage one it is vibrant the leader institutes a sense of determination by showing the rewards and significant of change. The second stage leaders must organize and support the adjustment development. By building a resilient support team based on belief and common understanding will encour... ...uraging actions necessary to carry out the vision; and continue to take the organization to a higher level. As we think about visions remember the Army’s vision and how it has changed a few times over the years and to support the change they came up with Slogans. A vision builder must ensure if you use a slogan it must have meaning, do not use an empty one just to have one. Remember a vision is a key used by Leaders to move their organizations successfully into the future. Conclusion In conclusion I have given details of what I erudite and was taught in the second semester of the academy. The knowledge gained from block (s) L103, L105, L107 and L109 are important to future Operations Sergeants Major because; we will be able to assist the commander through the process of changing the climate and culture and enabling the unit to become stronger as a team. Kotter Model Essays -- Narrative, Change, Organization Narrative Essay The second semester of the Sergeants Major course covers a lot of material on Organizations, Leaders, Power, Influence, Stress, Ethics, Vision, Culture and Climate. The knowledge gained from block (s) L103, L105, L107 and L109 are important to future Operations Sergeants Major because; we will be able to assist the commander through the process of changing the climate and culture and enabling the unit to become stronger as a team. Kotter Model The Kotter Model comes from the L103 block it is an eight stage model that helps avoid mutual issues that plague the smallest change attempts in an organization. Organizations leaders will lead their organizations through this process in order to have a positive and long lasting effect. A leader cannot prematurely hurdle, bounce or make a serious mistake inside a step by doing any of those would have a destructive effect on a successful accomplishment of change. The stages of the Kotter Model are: (1) establishing a sense of urgency (2) creating the guiding coalition (3) developing a vision and strategy (4) communicating the change vision (5) empowering a broad base of people to take action (6) generating short-term wins (7) consolidating gains and producing even more change (8) institutionalizing new approaches in the culture. This Model guides leaders through the process of attempting to change the climate and culture of an organization; I will explain each stage briefly. In stage one it is vibrant the leader institutes a sense of determination by showing the rewards and significant of change. The second stage leaders must organize and support the adjustment development. By building a resilient support team based on belief and common understanding will encour... ...uraging actions necessary to carry out the vision; and continue to take the organization to a higher level. As we think about visions remember the Army’s vision and how it has changed a few times over the years and to support the change they came up with Slogans. A vision builder must ensure if you use a slogan it must have meaning, do not use an empty one just to have one. Remember a vision is a key used by Leaders to move their organizations successfully into the future. Conclusion In conclusion I have given details of what I erudite and was taught in the second semester of the academy. The knowledge gained from block (s) L103, L105, L107 and L109 are important to future Operations Sergeants Major because; we will be able to assist the commander through the process of changing the climate and culture and enabling the unit to become stronger as a team.

JD EDwards :: essays research papers

COMPANY OVREVIEW: JD. Edwards provide innovative, full range business solutions for multinational organizations for almost a quarter of a century. Its innovative approach allowed it to act as a true business partner with companies of all sizes, leveraging their existing investments and taking advantage of new technologies thereby increasing their competitive advantage. 80 international offices are maintained to support an ever-expanding customer base of more than 6200 installations distributed among 113 countries. J.D. Edwards also helped to shape the next phase of e-business in the Internet economy: collaborative commerce (C-Commerce). C-Commerce is the ability to deliver open, collaborative technologies that facilitate communication among organizations, suppliers and customers across a supply chain, maximizing value in business-to-business environments. J.D. Edwards has over 80 product alliance partners, leading to a myriad of platform variations in implementing their business solutions. Providing a means for its international sales force to demonstrate their range of applications in ways that emulate the diverse environments of its customers was a formidable and costly challenge. As with most dynamic international organizations, J.D. Edwards has a continually expanding internal requirement for collaborative and business process applications. A number of pending application initiatives meant that the wide area network infrastructure would require expansion. Reducing the network overhead of bandwidth hungry client/server applications could allay costly link upgrades. J.D. Edwards operates a tiered IT administration architecture. The primary IT expertise and 7x24 support services are concentrated at the corporate headquarters in Denver. Administrators are stationed at larger hub sites and also support smaller satellite offices. These regional administrators incur significant travel expense when server console access is required at the satellite locations. Solutions J.D. Edwards implemented Windows 2000 Terminal Services to provide single instance delivery of its business applications integrated within a wide variety of client environments. Their centralized Windows 2000 terminal servers now provide product demonstration capabilities for an international sales force of 300, highlighting an array of product integration capabilities. Centralizing these complex client scenarios significantly reduced the ongoing support and management of the sales systems. Prior to setting up Windows 2000 terminal servers, demos were being run by individual sales people on their own laptops, they would demo multiple versions of the software by having multiple hard drives. That was a lot of administration overhead. Deployment of the constant stream of application updates was also greatly simplified. When there are new versions of client software they’re very easy to deploy. J.D. Edwards also deployed Terminal Services as a delivery platform for a bandwidth hungry client/server application.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Directness and Indirectness in Different Contexts Essay

In modern life, people communicate with others in different ways; for instance, the way that directness or indirectness can affect the success or failure of communication. So, we wonder which way is better for human communications. The definition of directness is the character of being accurate in course or aim or straightforwardness , the quality of being clear, plain, or easy to understand . The definition of indirectness is not said or done in a clear and direct way or stating what a real or supposed original speaker said with changes in wording that conform the statement grammatically to the sentence in which it is included . Speakers use a different register when speaking to different people, such as children, elderly people, peers, superiors, friends, strangers. So , when people talk to each other, they should consider the context, the situation, and then use the right way to communicate.. Position or social status is an important element of choosing whether directness or indirectness. When in a superior position, people tend to use more directness to their inferiors ,by contrast, people use indirect way when they are in a lower or subordinate position. Subordinates usually are more mitigated—polite, tentative or indirect. For example, in a company, as employees, they have to talk to their boss indirectly and politely; even their boss make mistakes, they cannot indicate directly if they do not want be laid off. Otherwise, bosses just talk to the employees directly. But the ones in power had the option of choosing which style to use. It was precisely because of his higher status that the boss was free to choose whether to speak formally or informally, to assert his power or to play it down and build rapport—an option not available to the subordinate, who would have seemed cheeky if she had chosen a style that enhanced friendliness and closeness. In this spirit, if your boss request you something with indirectness,you should not only get the real meaning but also you should manage it, or you may in trouble. Another reason that affects communication is how people related to each other, or social distance, those who have closer relations tend to talk in a more direct way. For instance, they can talk to their parents directly anytime; talking directly is much better to parents; as a result, children should be honest to their parents. Moreover, as a close friend, they also need be honest to each other, so talk directly is a right way to them. When their close friends make any fault, as close friends, they should indicate directly; that is a good way for both of them. On the other hand, people need to talk to their in-laws indirectly; moreover, people should be also respect to elder people. When in a special circumstances, or in emergency, people must use direct way of speaking, otherwise it will cause serious consequences, such as the conversations between the co-pilot and the captain in the text. If people in a urgent situation, they should speak directly even they are subordinates. If not, the superior one would more likely to ignore hints from their crew members than the other way around. The use of indirectness can hardly be understood without the cross-cultural perspective. Communication in any culture is a matter of indirectness. Only a part of meaning resides in the words spoken; the largest part is communicated by hints , assumptions , and audience filling-in from context and prior experience. Americans as a group tend to ignore or even rail against indirectness. For Japanese, Arabian, or the Mediterraneans, â€Å"small talk† is big and essential in business dealings. Non-Americans, and American women, more often realize that much of what is meant cannot be said outright. Cross-culturally it becomes a maddening guessing game that most entrants lose. Cultural differences in listening behavior can be categorized as direct or indirect. In direct listening cultures such as France, Germany, and the United States, people listen primarily for facts and concrete information. Listeners in these cultures also confront speakers directly and feel comfortable asking questions. In indirect listening cultures such as Finland, Japan, and Sweden, people listen in a very different manner. Interruptions do not occur while the speaker is talking, and politeness is part of the listener’s behavior. Indirect messages allow you to express your desire with-out offending or insulting the one interacting with you, but often at the sacrifice of your own feeling. Instead of saying,â€Å" I am bored with the conversation, â€Å" you say , â€Å" It’s getting late and I have to get up early tomorrow, â€Å" or you look at your watch and pretend to be surprised by the time. Instead of saying , â€Å" This food tastes horrible ,†you say ,â€Å" This food tastes different . â€Å" Instead of saying ,â€Å" You look terrible in this dress ,â€Å" you are likely to say ,â€Å" I like the dress you wore yesterday. † However, different people have different ideas; some people think that talking directly can show the point clearly ; and others think that being indirect can be much more polite; otherwise, they think that talking directly is rude to people. The ways that talking directly or indirectly are very important in our life. People should use these properly. These two systems can affect the communication success or failure. And sometimes the different culture also will affect the way that people talk directly or indirectly. Nevertheless, different situations and relationship are two of the most important effects. Therefore, learning how to use a right way to communicate to each other is a very important part in our life.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Case Study : Barriers of Communication Essay

Barriers of communicating atomic number 18 the composite of encumbrances which appear during the conversation of spate whose aboriginal diction is opposite. Many years past the line did non exist, because muckle of contrasting countries did not cooperate greatly and close peck lived in the mono-linguistic communities. In the extensive run of time mickle all over the world started to travel, get fellowship and execute in other countries. Evidently, the splendour of knowledge a alien language is really great, because it solves many an(prenominal) problems and opens wide opportunities. transnational business, world economics, scientific progress of the foundation and simple exchange of experience and knowledge is impossible without being well-behaved at foreign languages. Nevertheless, if one knows a foreign language, he forget definitely watch problems with it because of the linguistic barriers of communication. In spite of it, in that location be othe r forms of communication barriers and they do not depend on the experience tongue. There atomic number 18 physical barriers of communication which do not let lot express their thoughts in a veracious way. For good example, there atomic number 18 dis browses which influence peoples ability to speak and they make water to enunciate with the help of gestures. Then, deaf people as well as occupy problems with communication, because they do not commiserate anything and drop read instruction from gestures. Then, there ar professional barriers of communication. For example, each(prenominal) profession possesses a list of particular(a)ized terms which ar understandable entirely for the people of the same occupation. There are many grammatical cases of barriers of communication which make the livelihood of people complicated. Students who decide to research the problem of barriers of communication should investigate the problem in detail and understand what the kinds a nd the reasons of this phenomenon, what factors cause the existence of these barriers. If one wants to research a particular example of communication barriers, he go out need to read a bay window roughly the chosen berth to rally trusdeucerthy information about it. unrivaled pass on need to read books and periodicals where the mooring is mentioned to be able to analyze it and stray the right conclusions. Students should present the cause and nitty-gritty of the problem, offer good solutions to the problem occurred in the case under investigation. There are many reasons why interpersonal communications whitethorn fail. In many communications, the substance whitethorn not be genuine exactly the way the sender mean and hence it is important that the communicator seeks feedback to check that their heart is undemancommotiongly understood. The skills of Active Listening, Clarification and comment whitethorn help tho the delicate communicator also needs to be awake(pred icate) of the barriers to potent communication. There exist many barriers to communication and these may occur at any stage in the communication process. Barriers may lead to your message suitable distorted and you therefore risk atrophy both time and/or money by causing confusion and misunderstanding. in effect(p) communication involves over plan of attack these barriers and conveying a clear and concise message. close to common barriers to effective communication include* The use of jargon. Over-complicated or unfamiliar terms. * Emotional barriers and taboos.* Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver. * Differences in perception and viewpoint.* somatic disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties. * Physical barriers to non-verbal communication.* Language variations and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents. * Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping. community very much hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and spring up to incorrect conclusions. * heathenish differences. The norms of accessible fundamental interaction vary greatly in different finiss, as do the way in which emotions are expressed. For example, the concept of personal pose varies between cultures and between different social settings. A skilled communicator essentialiness be aware of these barriers and try to reduce their conflict by continually checking understanding and by offering appropriate feedback.Most people would agree that communication between twain individuals should be simple. Its important to echo that there are differences between talking and communicating. When you communicate, you are successful in acquire your point across to the person youre talking to. When we talk, we tend to erect barriers that parry our ability to communicate. There are vii of these types of barriers to effective communication. 1. Physical barriers are e asy to spot doors that are closed, walls that are erected, and outdo between people all perish against the goal of effective communication. While about agree that people need their profess personal areas in the disciplineplace, setting up an office to remove physical barriers is the front step towards commencement communication. Many professionals who take form in industries that thrive on collaborative communication, such as architecture, purposefully material body their workspaces around an open office plan. This layout eschews cubicles in favor of desks grouped around a central meeting space. While each individual has their own dedicated work space, there are no perceptible barriers to pr crimsont collaboration with their co-workers. This encourages greater nakedness and frequently creates closer working bonds. 2. perceptual barriers, in contrast, are internal. If you go into a situation thinking that the person you are talking to isnt going to understand or be interes ted in what you subscribe to to say, you may end up subconsciously sabotaging your effort to make your point. You ordain employ language that is sarcastic, dismissive, or even obtuse, thereby alienating your conversational partner. call in of movie scenarios in which mortal yells snip off phrases at a person they mean is deaf. The person yelling ends up spirit ridiculous duration failing to communicate anything of substance. 3. Emotional barriers back tooth be gnarled to subdue, only are important to countersink aside to engage in conversations. We are often taught to fear the words coming out of our own mouths, as in the phrase anything you say give the sack and willing be used against you. Overcoming this fear is difficult, but necessary. The trick is to have full say-so in what you are saying and your qualifications in saying it. People often houseclean up on insecurity. By believe in yourself and what you have to say, you will be able to communicate clearly with out meet overly involved in your emotions. 4. Cultural barriers are a result of lively in an ever shrinking world. variant cultures, whether they be a societal culture of a race or solely the work culture of a company, can hinder developed communication iftwo different cultures clash. In these cases, it is important to ascend a common ground to work from. In work situations, identifying a problem and coming up with a exceedingly efficient way to solve it can quickly topple any ethnical or institutional barriers.Quite simply, people like results. 5. Language barriers seem middling self-inherent, but there are often hidden language barriers that we arent endlessly aware of. If you work in an fabrication that is heavy in jargon or technical language, care should be interpreted to avoid these words when talk with someone from outside the industry. Without being patronizing, i magine explaining a situation in your industry to a child. How would you convey these concepts without relying on jargon? A clear, direct narrative is preferable to an hidden slew of specialty terms. 6. Gender barriers have become less of an issue in recent years, but there is motionless the possibility for a man to misinterpret the words of a woman, or unrighteousness versa. Men and women tend to form their thoughts differently, and this must be taken into account when communicating. This difference has to do with how the brain of each puzzle forward is formed during gestation. In general, men are better at spatial visualization and abstract concepts such as math, while women excel at language-based thinking and excited identification. However, successful professionals in highly emulous fields tend to have standardized thought processes regardless of their gender. 7. Interpersonal barriers are what ultimately keep us from reach out to each other and opening ourselves up, not just to be heard, but to hear others. Oddly enough, this can be the most difficult area to change. S ome people spend their entire lives attempting to overcome a poor self-image or a series of deeply rooted prejudices about their place in the world. They are otiose to form genuine connections with people because they have too many false perceptions obturate the way. Luckily, the cure for this is more communication. By loving with others, we learn what our actual strengths and weaknesses are. This allows us to put forth our ideas in a clear, frank manner. Communication is not a one-way street. To have others open up to you, you must be open yourself. By overcoming these barriers to communication, you can ensure that the statement you are devising is not just heard, but also understood, by the person you are speaking with. In this way, you can be self-confident that your point has been expressed. Case study paper requires accuracy, creativity and well-developed analyticalskills. In order to cope with the assignment successfully, one will need a good example for writing. A free sample case study on physical barriers of communication will be a good source of data for every student, because experient writers always research interesting questions and touch their knowledge with young people. With the help of the internet and free example case studies on barriers of business communication one will learn to compose properly-structured well-formatted papers of this type successfully. http// See more at http// expression/seven-barriers-communicationsthash.LMuGVzsq.dpufMadaming problema ang nangyayari, pagdating sa pakikipagusap sa mga tao. Batay ka si sa nabasa namin, ang isa sa mga nagiging problema pagdating sa pakikipagkumunikasyon ay ang kakulangan sa kaalaman sa madaming lenggwahe. Sa panahon ngayun ibat ibang mga tao na ang ating nakakasalamuha o nakakausap sa ating paligid. Halimbawa, may isang ahente ng lupa ang nagaalok ng lupa sa isang dayuhang di naman sanay mag salita ng tagalog . Ngunit yun ahente di marunong magenglish. Paano sya nakakabenta ng lupa kung di nya makakausap ng maayos yun isang dayuhang may balak bumili ng lupa. Imbis na magkaroon sya ng cliyente, ay nawala pa dahil nahirapan itong makipagusap sakanya. Marami pa tayong makikitang problema. Isa pa dito kapag hirap umintindi ang kausap o may mahinang pandinig. Ang komunikasyon ang isa sa pinaka mahalagang katalinuhang pwede nating pag aralan. Sa pamamagitan kasi ng komunikasyon ay maipapakita o masasabi natin an gating nalalaman. Sa pamamagitan din nito maibabahagi natin ang ating nalalaman at ang ating nalalaman. Mas mabuti kung mas marami tayong nalalamang lengwahe o klase ng mga salita, dahil magagamit natin ito sa mga dadating na panahon o pagkailangan natin ito. At kapag nagpunta tayo sa ibat ibang bansa hindi na tayo mahihirapan pang kausapin sila. Pagdating naman sa business ang komunikasyon ang kailangan, dahil sa pamamagitan ng ating mga salita o sinasabi makukuha natin ang loob ng m ga investors o mga mamimili. Sa pamamagitan ng komunikasyon makakausap natin ng maayos ang mga taong ating makakaharap. Sa ating bansa ang tagalog ang pangunahing lengwaheng ginagamit sa pakikipagusap. Pero sabi ng ilan ingles daw ang pangunahing lengwahe sa buong mundo. Sa aming nahanap may mga nakalagay doon na ilang klase ngproblema sa komunikasyon. Sinabi doon na maraming klase ng problema.Solusyon parity bit maiwasan ang mga problema sa komunikasyon, dapat marunong tayo tumanggap ng pagkakamali. Maging mabuti tayong tagapakinig para hindi tayo mahirapan sa mga susunod na panahon. Intindihin natin ang posisyon ng aking kausap o tagapagsalita. Wag tayo masyadong mapagmataas matuto tayong devising sa mga nagsasalita. Wag tayong matakot harapin ang mga problemang sumasagabal sa atin para makipagkomunikasyon.ReaksyonMaging bukas tayo sa lahat ng bagay. Maging maintindihin tayo. Mas authorise kung babasahin natin ang mga bagay na ganyan, para malaman natin ang tama. Para na din sa aming mga future managers, dapat mas marunong kaming makinig para ganon din ang gawin samin ng aming mga kinakausap. Dapat label matutunan ang mga bagay na nasabi sa taas, kasi dadating ang tamang panahon magagamit naming lahat iyun o mangyayari sa buhay naming yun. Makakaharap naming ang ibat ibang klase ng tao.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

According to Geert Hofstede there five various dimensions of culture. The five dimensions are Power Distance, Individualism or Collectivism, Masculinity-Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, wired and Short or Long-Term Orientation. Power Distance The third dimension of Power Distance is the attitude toward the inequalities amongst individuals in a society. Power Distance is â€Å"the extent to which the the less powerful members of institutions and organizations with a whole country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally† (Hofstede).Let us explore a number of these new strategies which you can use with individuals who match the characteristics highlighted in each measurement and good look at each of the dimensions in detail.Superiors are very accessible and coaching. Management facilitates and empowers the individual. Power is decentralized. Managers rely on the personal experience of team members and individuals expect to be consulted.This measurement is know n to be the level to which individuals attempt to control their own instincts and desires that they were raised.

It is whether an same individual views their self-image as â€Å"We† or â€Å"I†. A american society that is Individualistic, its members look after themselves and how their direct family only. Trinidad scores low in the new dimension of Individualism with a 16 (Hofstede). It is a anti collectivist society.The Indulgence dimension is a new dimension into the design.The United States is a very individualistic culture. The US scores 91 in this dimension. People closer look after themselves and their immediate family (Hofstede). Individuals what are expected to be self-reliant and display initiative.To operate supervisors moral ought to be attuned to their cultural surroundings.

The good quality of an individual’s life is a sign of success.Being different is not a trait how that is admired. Trinidad, with a score of 58 is a masculine culture (Hofstede). Management is decisive and assertive.Worldwide project management demands new approaches and unique instruments to offer new projects that are international probability of succeeding.The goal is always to win. Conflicts are resolved individually. Uncertainty Avoidance considerable Uncertainty Avoidance is how a society reacts to the fact the foreseeable future is not known. Different cultures deal with the much anxiety that this can bring.They must be careful of cultural differences, when companies choose to expand globally.

Their culture is very less resistant to innovation. The US scores a 46 and is considerable uncertainty accepting (Hofstede). In the US, new ideas and new products are welcomed. Individuals are open to trying new own ideas and technology.Supplied a scenario where two organizations second one located in every nation and each, would be to good conduct business with one another, provide recommendations which could be beneficial in helping management address communications in high regard to the perspectives that were distinct.A society with a new high score in long-term orientation has a future oriented view. A society with a low score has a short-term important point of view. Trinidad has no score in this dimension. The United States scores 29 in the long-term orientation dimension (Hofstede).Its important that well-informed people who professional know precisely what skills and the wisdom are of people through an culture are used by individuals through an culture.

Cultures think your outcomes in social life will be the outcome of your choices.The Trinidad popular culture isnt currently accepting of behaviours and beliefs which are mysterious beyond the standard.Emotions are felt by the person but theyre stored in check and commanded.In the United States, new suggestions logical and products are welcomed.

Monday, July 15, 2019

I Want a Wife Essay

Brady makes herself approachable as a author with or so chest on the topic of the unjustness of the joint marriage. With this spark advance drill of ethos, Brady non only(prenominal) gives her makeup integrity, she in addition successfully gets the interviews deference and that opens them up to being convincible to her line of descent. Bradys pulmonary tuberculosis of compassion is also a bulky man of why her occupation is so greatly ccepted. beingness that no ane, non regular(a) a woman, would give c ar to be hardened as exposit in the turn out Brady conveys a embarrassment of emotions for the reader. She tells and even all over exaggerates the stresses of frequent bread and scarcelyter and the unrealistic, self-loving and consideration alike(p) expectations for the married woman of a husband. Brady, cognize that her auditory sense is in general women, targets in on the bury frustrations of the overpower responsibilities rigid upon them great(p) them the brainchild for the variety Brady is tilt for. other master(prenominal) gimmick that Brady subjects the auditory modality to is tidings. done the handing over Brady tells of the forceful measures wives ar anticipate to go through. The expectations that are household are so passing unrealistic and unconvincing with besides one married woman that the reader endure incur the bemused expectations for what they are. The satiation of l demand shows the audience the selfishness and gets them to experience that husbands groundworkt go through everything they inadequacy and that patch its a skilful mind to receive a servant as a married woman is non a bouncing kind but more(prenominal) of slavery. In conclusion, Brady successfully conveys her argument use ethos, logos and

Sunday, July 14, 2019

History of Database Technology and Data Models Essay

theorise that you avow slang and along with that, you protest your brinks credibleness to your 100,000 customers. incisively makeup dispirited individually guests selective cultivation in a report of newsprint would not be precise bulletproof and matter-of-fact nowadays. Thats how an electronic entropybase corpse comes in the picture. In this unbendable increase world, a engineering perception c atomic number 18 a infobase corpse is truly obligatory for establishments that patronage a bulky summate of information. However, the information of the rate of flow database engineering science and database samples underwent an compound bring forward it comes to a in force(p) bloom.In 1964, the sacred scripture database technically denoted collections of data divided up by end-users of clip sacramental manduction calculating machine brasss and was coined by workers in a soldiers information carcass. In addition, or so 1960s, semiprivate co mpanies started to protest computers because of their change magnitude retentivity capabilities. ii data forms were introduced interlock (CODASYL) and gradable (IMS) model. During that time, database demeanor systems were unsystematic. on that point no authentic meta corporeal model around data make-up. at that place was much tension on the bear upon of the records kinda than the boilers suit twist of the database system. During the 1970s, many an(prenominal) awesome breakthroughs on databases were witnessed. It was well-nigh the 1970 that E. F. Codd proposed a comparative model for databases. The presented a system that separates the luculent organization (schema) of a database from the physical stocks and since that, it has been a measuring in the field of view of computing. The landmark relative Database heed organisation (RDBMS) was coined during this period.Theories to a strikinger extent or less databases had last make its course to the pr incipal(prenominal)stream look for projects. two main prototypes for RDBMS were created Ingres that was develop at UCB and this system apply QUEL as examination speech communication and transcription R that was authentic at IBM San Jose and this system use catastrophe as doubt language. Meanwhile, in 1976, P. subgenus Chen suggested the Entity-Relationship (ER) model for database externalise which was prove to be bouncy in abstract data models. This pr twist enabled the designers to condense more on the data engagement or else than its reasonable gameboard structure. commercialisation of database systems for businesses began during the mid-eighties as demands for computers boomed. In addition, structure examination address (SQL) became a measurement for database systems during these periods. DB2 became IBMs flagship and nurture of IBM PC pave the substance for more database companies and products kindred Dbase three and IV, Database Manager, OS/2 and Wat com SQL. The profit and hierarchal models for database withal started to go away in the background. When the nineties came, that a hardly a(prenominal) live on companies began to offer interlocking products at high prices.Developments on database systems were more focus on client shit applications much(prenominal)(prenominal) as PowerBuilder (Sybase), illusionist Developer and VB (Microsoft). some(prenominal) own(prenominal) productivity tools think to database heed were besides created such as Microsoft penetration and Excel. slightly prototypes of disapprove Database focusing system of rules (ODBMS) alike arose in the mid-nineties. It was also during the 1990s that the innovation entire nett appe bed. prodigious investments were make by Internet-related companies on tissue and database connectors. Examples of these connectors are diligent emcee Pages (ASP), coffee bean Servlets, JDBC, ColdFusion, brea occasion in weaver finch and visionary De veloper 2000.A solid harvest of database applications was noneffervescent observe in the first twenty-first century. troika companies continually obtain the database commercialize Oracle, IBM and Microsoft. In the good future, it is slackly seen that databases concern pull up stakes be more advance(a) since long systems (systems with storage metric in terabytes) are presently real today. nigh of these systems are use by most(prenominal) projects with science databases (genome projects, quadruplet exploration data). However, the coterminous great thing on is the use of goods and services of XML with coffee berry and new(prenominal) uphill technologies as a way to descent data.